The Salamandra Foundation was established on January 9, 2020 at the
initiative of local activists and social activists to support development of the
Limanowa poviat region and undertaking activities for the benefit of the
local community, especially including activities for youth. The Salamandra
Foundation achieves its goals by:
a. Initiating and conducting cultural, information, promotional, scientific and
b. organizing trainings, lectures, conferences, youth exchanges, volunteering, seminars, symposia,
courses, lectures, concerts, sports activities, etc. events;
c. cooperation with the government administration i local government, social organizations,
political parties, professional corporations, organizations employers and unions, research centers,
institutes and research, cultural and educational as well as health care institutions;
d. cooperation with funds mass media;
e. cooperation with related domestic and foreign organizations;
f. activity on the forum international;
g. cooperation with institutions, organizations and other legal entities concerned the activities of
the Foundation; h. creating discussion clubs, forums and institutes;
i. announcing competitions and awarding prizes; j. organizing, patronizing and participating in
events cultural;
k. organizing tourist, recreational and sports events;
l. supporting agritourism;
m. organizational and economic consultancy and assistance as well as training of members and
other interested entities the activities of the Foundation;
n. development, publishing or dissemination of all kinds of publications

"Bonae Spei", “da Boa Esperança” faz uma alusão directa ao espírito português da
descoberta de novos horizontes e à luta contra as adversidades.
Bonae Spei - Associação cultural, fundada em 7 de setembro de 2016, tem como
principais objectivos, entre outros, a promoção e execução de projectos nacionais e
europeus no âmbito da mobilidade jovem; voluntariado europeu; cidadania activa;
realização de intercâmbios, seminários e trainings que versem sobre as temáticas da
educação não formal; formação e emprego; prevenção de comportamentos de risco
e organização de eventos na área do desporto e cultura.

The volunteering association Inclusion Go - I Go - comes from the idea of our president to share European citizenship and mobility opportunities, promoted by the European Union through volunteering experience